See you at the Rose Ceremony?

I love me some amateur comedy.

My current favorite is Bachelor Improvidise, a local improv parody show based on Bachelor in Paradise. It's performed by a rotating comedy troupe at the Chaos Bloom Theater in South Denver.

Inspired by audience suggestions, actors play "contestants" who go on tropical, over-the-top dates in their quest to find true love.

Just like in the actual TV show, there are outrageous characters, constant jealousy, and scandal around every corner!

But, with a limited number of roses, not everyone will stay on the island. 🥀

Improv is a hoot because it *literally* keeps you on the edge of your seat. You can't tell what will happen next because...well, the actors themselves don't even know until it's happening.

What makes improv so compelling is the specificity required to make it pop.

One contestant isn't just a bird lover. No, he has a 45-year-old blue macaw 🦜 on his shoulder named Marty McBean.

It doesn't end there. The macaw happens to be a lie detector. He repeats the last lie you told in a sophisticated British accent. If you speak the truth, he stays silent. Phew!

But if Marty repeats what you say? you know why the lad's single.

How can this tactic help you write compelling copy?

Specificity helps your ideal clients connect deeply to your words.

Which in turn...

...builds trust and makes readers more likely to convert into loyal clients.

...makes you more memorable in a world of non-stop content.

...eases decision-making, especially if your clients need to feel an emotional connection before reaching out.

Let's take it back to the island 🏝️

If I say, "One actor played a contestant who loved birds," that would have left your brain like the last TikTok you watched.

But if I say..."One contestant was accompanied on his dates by a geriatric blue macaw who doubled as a human lie detector. It was nearly impossible for the contestant to get through a date without someone throwing water in his face in outrage."

Then you'll remember this love-cursed avian aficionado.

(Specificity also means getting the details right. I had to google the life expectancy of macaws - 50 years!)

⚡️ Strategy time: How specificity looks IRL ⚡️

Here are a few examples to see how this might apply to copy...

More specific with your niche:

Neurodivergent Adults ➡️ Late-Diagnosed ADHDers Juggling Work and Parenting Small Children

More specific with your results:

Couples Therapy Intensive ➡️ Transform Your Relationship in Just One Day

More specific call-to-actions (CTAs):

Let's Get Started ➡️ Join Our Community

See how that works?

I bet your wheels are already turning about how you can bring specificity to your existing copy.

Equally important: Do you prefer amateur comedy or to stick with the pros?

Ready to write copy that dazzles your ideal clients?

Connect with me here


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